Tue 22 Feb 2022

Super(special) start to a super ERC season in store

The 2022 FIA European Rally Championship will kick-off with an all-new superspecial on the streets of Fafe on Friday March 11.

Measuring 1.43 kilometres in length, the short, sharp Fafe Super Special Stage is scheduled to get underway at 21h08 local time and count as the opening test of Rally Serras de Fafe – Felgueiras – Cabreira e Boticas.

Broadcast as it happens on WRC+ All Live and running through the heart of Fafe town centre, the Fafe Super Special Stage is open to spectators and is also close to the event service park.

Crews will tackle the stage one by one and will be challenged by sections of asphalt and cobblestones plus an off-camber roundabout.

The stage also includes a blast down a side street, a narrow hairpin turn, a downhill section and a point where drivers must perform donuts before they continue their way.

Iain Campbell, the ERC Manager, has completed a recce of the Fafe Super Special Stage and was impressed with the arrangements being put in place by the event organiser, Demoporto.

“This is a classic town centre superspecial and definitely one that needs respect as it can catch you out if you are not fully focused,” Campbell said. “It’s also a great opportunity to fans to experience the excitement of the ERC within walking distance from their homes.”

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