Thu 30 Mar 2023

All-asphalt all action ERC Rally Islas Canarias route in short

The route for Rally Islas Canarias, round two of the 2023 FIA European Rally Championship, has been revealed.

From 4 - 6 May, the island of Gran Canaria will host the first of the ERC’s four Tarmac events when regulars from the series, plus leading lights from the Spanish and Canary Islands’ championships, face-off for high-paced glory. A summary of what’s in store follows.

Thursday 4 May

Practice makes perfect: Starting with Free Practice from 12h15 local time, the 3.09 kilometres of San Mateo is also the location of the Qualifying Stage (from 15h03) and Shakedown (16h15).

Super special stage with a difference: The Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – DISA test (1.88km) from 21h05 will be a super special stage like no other with part of the action taking place inside the Gran Canaria Arena’s basketball stadium.

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Friday 5 May

Three of the best: Following Thursday’s indoor extravaganza, leg one continues on Friday with three stages run twice either side of service, which is located in the grounds of the Gran Canaria Stadium. Gáldar (14.95km) is up first from 10h28 with the repeat scheduled for 15h20. Tejeda (10.41km) is also on the itinerary at 11h21 and again at 16h13 with Santa Lucia (19km) running twice at 12h11 and 17h03. The six stages form part of a route of 88.72 timed kilometres.

Saturday 6 May

Deciding leg brings Power: At 99.46km, leg two is the longest of the event and features three repeated stages. Arucas (8.99km) opens the action at 09h54 followed by Moya – Valleseco (27.74km) from 10h42 and San Mateo – Valsequillo (13.00km) from 12h05. After service at the Gran Canaria Stadium, the morning stages are re-run in the afternoon at 14h24, 15h12 and 17h05 respectively with the repeat of San Mateo – Valsequillo forming the rally-deciding Power Stage.

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