Sat 13 Jan 2024

ERC 2024 event guide: Rally Islas Canarias

Rally Islas Canarias will host the first asphalt round of the 2024 FIA European Rally Championship when the 48th running of the island event takes place from 2 - 4 May. Here’s a reminder of just some of what’s likely to be in store.

Rally Islas Canarias, 2024 FIA European Rally Championship Round 2 of 8, 2024 FIA Junior ERC Championship Round 2 of 6  

2 - 4 May  

Where? Las Palmas, Gran Canaria  

What’s new? 
Organisers have been working on the route of the 48th edition of Rally Islas Canarias since last autumn and will be announcing full details of the event soon.

What’s in store? 
Precision-key asphalt roads that climb and descend and twist and turn with rapid frequency, combined with changeable mountain weather, make Rally Islas Canarias a tall order to master and a feast of high-speed entertainment that’s not to be missed.  

What the organisers have said? Germán Morales, President of event organiser Todo Sport: “We maintain our place on the calendar, something that is positive for the teams and also for the fans. As has happened on several occasions, Rally Islas Canarias will be the first event of the year on Tarmac, an aspect that has always fitted well and has allowed us to enjoy really interesting entry lists.”

What the drivers have said? Nil Solans, 2022 Rally Islas Canarias winner: “You basically need to work a lot and prepare the rally as it’s a rally which is very fast, flowing and very demanding on pacenotes. And also to prepare the car as much as possible for the grip of the island because it’s a special grip. In some places it’s more abrasive but the grip is lower than [mainland] Spain, for example, and it’s something special [needed] on the set-up. There are no cuts, maybe three or four in the whole rally. When we are on the small roads that are going downhill in the middle of the small villages in some places you can find a lot of these volcanic rocks that they have on the island and also some cuts but only on these special roads. But 80-90 per cent of the roads are 100 per cent clear without any cuts.”  

More information:  

Rally Islas Canarias is organised by Todo Sport and promoted by the Cabildo of Gran Canaria through its Insular Institute of Sports and Tourism of Gran Canaria, the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by its Municipal Sports Institute and the department of Tourism, LPA Visit and the Government of the Canary Islands by Promotur Turismo de Canarias. Additional support comes from companies such as Fred. Olsen Express & Baleària, Grupo Recalvi, Hyundai Canarias, Avis Canarias, Lopesan, Sonocom and ServiTecni.

Starts: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
Starts: Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM
Starts: Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 9:30:00 AM