Thu 22 Feb 2024

ERC newcomer Rali Ceredigion gets top environmental award

JDS Machinery Rali Ceredigion will be a winner even before it hosts the FIA European Rally Championship for the first time later this year.

It follows the Welsh Tarmac event being chosen as the latest recipient of British motorsport governing body Motorsport UK’s Environmental Sustainability Award.  

According to JDS Machinery Rali Ceredigion, the Motorsport UK Environmental Sustainability Award was “created to acknowledge a truly exceptional achievement or contribution towards environmental responsibility and active promotion of sustainability within motorsport activities, events and communications”.  

Following the 2023 edition, Rali Ceredigion became the first UK rally to be awarded two-star FIA Environmental Accreditation after it offset 100 tCO2e via responsible and certified rewilding programmes in partnership with Carbon Positive Motorsport, one of the highest offsetting amounts by any rally event globally.  

Motorsport UK chairman David Richards CBE said: “The Environmental Sustainability Award is testament to Rali Ceredigion’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact and the organiser’s efforts to integrate sustainable practices. Their dedication to preserving the beautiful landscapes of Ceredigion and its surroundings, while still offering competitors and spectators thrilling experiences, showcases the harmonious coexistence of motorsport and environmental sustainability.

“By receiving this award, Rali Ceredigion demonstrates that motorsport events can be conducted responsibly, respecting ecosystems and engaging with the local communities in which they take place.  

“The event’s work in promoting eco-friendly practices is a shining example for all organisers. Motorsport UK is confident that Rali Ceredigion’s commitment to environmental sustainability will inspire other events to follow in their footsteps, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future for our sport.”  

Chairman of the JDS Machinery Rali Ceredigion organising committee Phil Pugh said: “We fully appreciate how fortunate we are to be able to run our event in such a beautiful part of the world. And we don’t take this privilege for granted.  

“From the first time the event was held in 2019, we have focussed on sustainability. Each year, working together with our partners, we have explored new opportunities to decarbonise our event, implementing initiatives that will further reduce our impact on the environment, support local communities and educate people on options for lower-carbon transport.  

“Therefore, winning the Motorsport UK Environmental Sustainability Award means a great deal us. To that end, I have to thank and commend the organising team for taking our commitment to sustainability and the environment to their hearts and for ensuring it stays paramount in everything we do.”  

Motorsport UK Environmental Sustainability Award was established in 2012. Previous winners include Extreme E, Silverstone Circuit and Williams Advanced Engineering.  

The 2024 ERC season begins with V Rally Hungary from 12 - 14 April. JDS Machinery Rali Ceredigion forms the penultimate round of the championship from 30 August - 1 September.

Starts: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM
Starts: Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:30:00 AM
Starts: Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 9:30:00 AM